I am Wolfgang Schreurs, founder and owner of Wolftrail. Through Wolftrail I develop and release games. Currently these games are side projects and a way to build up experience as a game developer.
Outside of Wolftrail I am available as a freelance mobile developer. As a freelance mobile developer I have experience in both small and large organisations. Both as sole developer and as member of a large mobile team.
I have experience with a variety of languages & technologies including -but not limited to- Objective-C, Swift, C#, Java, Lua, Ruby, shell scripting & SQL.
As a developer I strive to keep on learning; to improve myself every day in both tech and non-tech skills.
For a full overview of my skills and work history take a look at my resume. Also feel free to checkout my Github, StackOverflow & LinkedIn pages.
If you’d like to work with me, I can be contacted by email or through Arc.